Funny thing is, he looks happy in this picture, though moments before, he looked like this:
(sporting his new Mariner's t-shirt--Ichiro--for Grandpa O)

We were at dinner at Maggie's, and he was whining so I whipped out my new camera (obvious action, right?). I thought maybe it would interest him and maybe even make him smile. So, I start snapping away, when he suddenly starts to smile. I think yay! It worked! He's happy, and now I've got some cute pics :) Only to discover not a moment later that he wasn't smiling, but turning on the charm. Yup, he's a flirt! He was hammin' it up for the two ladies in the booth next over. Smiling, laughing, waving, etc. I can tell he's going to be trouble in about 12 years! I mean, look at those EYES!
Aside from being a flirt and a total crab-apple as of late, he does do some pretty cute things around the home, too. His favorite game right now is patty cake, which sounds dull, but is actually pretty cute. You should see the way he "rolls-it, baby, rolls-it rolls-it, baby!" and also the way he "throoooowwwwwsssss it in the oven". Maybe he'll be a baker some day :) though I'm not even sure what a patty cake is...
We've also been working on some sign language, and he is really starting to catch on. He says "please" when asked to (we're trying to eliminate whining and aimlessly pointing for things). He rubs his whole belly with both hands (instead of rubbing upper chest with one), but we know what he means. He also says "more", "milk", and "all done". All of these are very handy words when you are 19 months old! We need to learn "sorry" and "eat" and we just might be good for a while.
On top of his signing, he is starting to say more words. His first, and favorite word, is DOG. He also says door (with a knocking hand gesture) and more, as he signs it. Yesterday he saw a picture of a baby on my computer and he pointed and said "bay-bay!". I was quite impressed. Despite the development of his language, his main mode of communication is whining and pointing.
We've also been working on our animal sounds. He says "mooo" for a cow, whining noises for both dog and elephant (pretty sure he thinks dogs whine, because that is the noise our puppy makes!). He says "wha-wha" which means quack-quack and "ock-ock" which means "bock-bock". His favorite is his dino/lion noise, which is a low pitched growling sound. He is pretty entertaining...at least I think so.
Well, this became quite the post! Just a little catch-up on the life of Miles :) I may try to get a little video of him "rolling-it" because it is so darn cute! and try to figure out how to post it for y'all.