Miles was pretty excited about it. He actually did amazingly well in the car, not that I was all that surprised.

We left around 1100. We stopped in Moses Lake for lunch. He fell asleep about 15min before Ellensburg, where we stopped for gas. He slept through that stop. He also slept through the one hour construction delay between Cle Elum and Easton (10mile stretch). He woke up while we were stopped in traffic, held onto the sides of his car seat, rocked back and forth and said "go-go-go!" Reminds me of when I was a kid and would tell my dad "just honk, Daddy, just honk".
After the construction hang-up, we had to stop again so I could use the restroom. We stopped in North Bend at the outlet mall (and I resisted shopping!) and let Miles ride the firetruck outside the bathroom. He enjoyed it and wanted to keep riding it, but we had to move on.
Another 45min later, we were in Kirkland at my brother's house. Even in rush hour, we made great time between North Bend and Kirkland. Thank goodness for the diamond lane!
At my brother's house, Miles played with his cousin, Ethne, whom he met for the first time. Miles and Ethne spent quite a bit of time playing the piano.

The next day (Saturday), we got up early (for us), and headed to the zoo. It was Miles' first trip to the zoo, and I think he enjoyed it. It was rainy and cool, but a lot of the animals were inside because of this, so we got to see more this way.
Miles and Ethne ready for the zoo. We did not fit in on the west side of the state with our Graco. Everyone has a Bob over there (I'm talking about the strollers)!

Miles sat in his stroller for a while, but it became apparent that he wouldn't be able to see much from there. So, after a while, we decided to be brave and let our two year old out into the wild.
He started on Daddy's shoulders, but this didn't last long.
He saw Tapirs.
He had fun seeing all the animals and making their perspective noises.
He saw giraffes.
We tried to get a family photo, but Miles wouldn't have it!
Can't remember what he is looking at here.
This is near some monkeys.

He really enjoyed their new penguin exhibit as well. Not sure who the read haired child is, but she seemed to enjoy showing Miles the penguins.

And one of Miles riding a bear:

We ate lunch at the zoo, but apparently I didn't edit pictures of lunch yet. I'll have to post pics of that next. After lunch, we headed to the gift shop, bought Miles a little stuffed elephant, and then headed northward. It was nap time and time to head out.
It was great seeing Tim, Heidi and Ethne. Ethne is such a cutie and I'm glad she and Miles finally met!