And a very happy monkey he was!

He gladly posed (and said "cheese" with a smile) for every picture he could.

We started out eating dinner at a Chinese restaurant. He now refuses to sit in a high chair, so we braved letting him sit at the table like a "big boy". Besides standing on the seat and pointing at everyone around us saying "eat, eat!" and only trying to escape under the table once, he did a pretty good job of sitting and eating. I was impressed, and we may try it again sometime! Sure beats the screaming that ensues when trying to force him into the high chair!

After dinner, we went downtown to do some trick-or-treating at the mall. He walked the whole time. I brought the stroller to hold my bag, our coats, coffee, etc. Having a stroller is swell!

Here he is happily waiting for the elevator after pushing the "up" button himself.

Our happy monkey getting on the elevator with his ghost! He carried it around the whole time and didn't even drop it once.

When riding in elevators, after he pushes the button for our destination, I tell him to hold on tight. He gladly holds on while we go "up" or "down". This keeps him from hitting the alarm button (which is right at the bottom where all children can easily reach it!).

Then we did a little trick-or-treating.

He was pretty excited about his candy. Besides a few suckers, a couple chocolate bars, and a bag or two of M&M's, he can't really eat much of the candy. Most of it is Starbursts, gum, hard candies, etc.

But he did enjoy his M&M's. We let him stay up late, eating some candy and watching a movie. Since we turn the clocks back an hour tonight, I didn't want him waking up too early!