Thursday, December 30, 2010
Since Isla was born, I've felt that Miles of Smiles was kind of exclusionary :). I didn't change the url, for sake of ease. How do you like it? Does the new title make sense, or is it stretching it a little too far???
And, I know there are many of you out there reading who never lurkers come out of hiding and tell me what you think!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Real Live Fire Station
Miles is seriously obsessed with anything having to do with fire stations, firemen, etc. Our house has become known as The Fire Station, Ben's Highlander is The Fire Truck, my Saturn is The Ambulance, and everything he does is "like a fireman" (getting dressed, cooking, brushing teeth, etc). He is now the proud owner of two small fire trucks, an ambulance, and a ride on fire truck (thank you Aunt Christine, Uncle Cameron, and Cousins Peter and Moira!). Just about anything can be turned into a fire hose, fireman belt, etc. He wears his fire coat, fire hat, and fire boots every day...not kidding!

So, a few weeks ago, we invited Grandma Sara and Uncle Tyler to come along and head to the fire station with some toys for Toys for Tots. Miles was so excited when we showed up at the fire station.
Ben rang the door bell, and Fireman Dan let us in. He gave Miles a couple of Jr. Fireman badges, coloring book, and some stickers, then took us for a tour and to see the trucks.

Miles was completely mesmerized. For a while, all he would say was "yeah" over and over. Eventually he warmed up to Fireman Dan and started talking non-stop!
He got to sit in the trucks, pretend to drive, look at the hoses, see the ladder truck, peek at the huge axes, and ask where the non-existent fire pole was. Miles advised Fireman Dan that they should really get a fire pole :)

He told Fireman Dan how everything works (ie. the axes are for breaking windows and doors to get into burning buildings).
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Craft
Miles has been very interested in crafts lately. He loves to color, cut, glue, etc. Sometimes I muster the energy to put together a craft project for him, especially since he's not in preschool, so doesn't get any formal crafts elsewhere. I thought the grandparents might enjoy a handmade gift from Miles as much as he enjoyed making one. So after a little googling for ideas, I embarked on our Christmas craft with Miles.
He has recently become very serious about coloring. He actually tries to stay in the lines! First we started with collecting soup cans for a week or so, washed them all in the dishwasher, and cut strips of construction paper that would fir the cans.
Miles always enjoys adding his hand print to things, so we 'stamped" his hand print on each piece of paper using white paint. After it dried, I put faces and buttons on each of his fingers (except the thumb, which would have made for a laying-down snowman). Miles was responsible for coloring scarves, hats, and arms on each of the "snowmen" and coloring anything else he wanted.

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Pretty Girl

When I saw this black velvet jumper with a satin bow at the top, I fell in love. They had those cute shrug sweaters to go with. Underneath, she was wearing a cute cream colored onsie.

We weren't able to find tights in her size at any of the stores we went to and dress shoes didn't even enter my mind (why spend money on dress shoes for a 2 month old?!?!).

However, a few days before Christmas, Miles convinced me to go into a local consignment shop that sells gently used kids clothing. He likes to play with the toys there :). While he was playing for a few minutes, I looked through the girls clothes, shoes, etc, not planning to buy anything. Until I ran across these adorable black Patten leather mary janes with bows and an adorable pair of cream ruffle-butt tights (though in 3-6 month size).

Well worth the $3 spent! I could not get over how adorable she looked in her Christmas outfit. It was perfect!
After Christmas Eve service with my family, we went up to my in-laws house to stay the night and have Christmas morning there. It is a tradition in their family to open pajamas on Christmas Eve. These were the adorable pajamas Miss Isla got:

LOVED the tutu and sparkly snowflake!

She sported the pajamas/outfit all day on Christmas :). Girls are so much fun!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas #1
Miles was very excited to find that the stockings were full. He dug right in!

He also helped Isla open her stocking stuffers.

Miles got the long awaited "inspension bridge" for his train set. He had to try it out right away, of course. Baby Isla got a new outfit (that doesn't fit quite yet), a rattle (of which she ended Christmas day with 3 of the same...they must only make one pink rattle!), and some chain links.

Miles' most prized gift from us was his last minute, $10, fire station. You see, the day before Christmas Eve, Miles sprung one on us. He suddenly started saying that he wanted a fire station with a bell from Santa. When we went to visit Santa the next day, this is precisely what he asked for. So, after we saw Santa, Ben took Miles to play in the play area at the mall and I took a quick, covert trip to the Toys 'R us store (they put a small Toys R Us in each of the malls, which was sure handy!). I made a quick trip (don't even think Miles knew I was gone) and scored a fire station WITH a bell AND a light. Needless to say, he was pretty excited about it.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Has Come to Our House!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Baby Smiles
So, here is a picture of her first real captured smile.