Today was more like summer weather than spring. It reached 80*, as did yesterday, which is pretty warm compared to what we've been use to, but we're not complaining. We met up with several moms and kiddos for a play date at the park. It is so fun to meet up with everyone!
I joined a mom's group when Miles was 15months old. The group is structured differently now, but we still hang out with a lot of the same people. There have been many babies born, some on the way, and many were tiny babies when we joined. It is so much fun watching them all grow up and play together while we sit and chat...and brake up the occasional fight. A lot of middle names were brought out today, if you know what I mean, but they all played together really pretty well and we had a great time catching up!
Isla took a few minutes to warm up (she's been playing shy lately), but then explored with the best of them! She's really been hamming it up for the camera, as well.

Miles was hard to capture today. He was off and running with the big boys the whole time. He had a blast and was exhausted when we left. His cheeks were pretty darn pink!
Isla liked the motorcycle side car. My little climber plays it on the safe side at the park, which is nice. I'm guessing she's more comfortable at home and that's why she loses her fear of heights/falling??? At the playground, she is far more cautious, but still explores.
She was soon joined by Ryan, who just turned two. Ryan has a big brother who is a year older than Miles. Ryan loved driving Isla around :).
Then Isla hitched another ride with him in the swing. That is Kelly in the background, Ryan's mom :).
They enjoyed the tandem ride for a few minutes, then I think they felt a little squished and wanted out. We had a fabulous day at the park. We brought plenty of snacks, water, sunscreen, and iced coffee and stayed for three hours!
I also snapped a quick pic of our "pretty piggies". I bought some kid nail polish for Isla's toenails. I LOVE IT!!! She does to :). It is water soluble, so it will rub off in the tub and I touch it up frequently to keep her piggies pretty. If you ask her about her piggies, she'll hold her foot up for you to see. I had to completely repaint them a few days ago. She sat down on the stool in the bathroom and held out each foot for me to paint. She will even keep her hands off to let it dry. Such a girl. Makes my heart sing :).