Warning...there is a lot of talk of toilet use during this post!
Potty Training...
The one thing I've been dreading for the last, oh, three years. Yup, I've been dreading it since before Miles was even born! I always wondered how do you train a little person to use the potty?!?! What a pain! Dealing with underwear, finding public toilets, accidents, extra clothes, etc.
Because I've been so thoroughly dreading it for years, I decided to wait until Miles was completely ready to embark on this adventure, especially as boys are typically a little harder to train and train later. Well, we've finally jumped on the potty training...um...train!
He's been showing signs of readiness for a while now (interested in the potty, dry diapers during the day, etc). However, he had never actually gone in the potty before. Once day about four weeks ago while cleaning up (he wasn't wearing anything from the waist down), he started to pee on the floor. I caught him, and he caught himself, stopped, and I ran him to the bathroom and sat him on the toilet. He peed. The look on his face was priceless. One of surprise, wonder, and excitement.
Well, after that, he would run around in the mornings with no pants on and use the potty regularly on his own. I, on the other hand, was not quite as ready for the whole potty training thing. I dragged my feet for a couple weeks while I watched our diaper supply dwindle to about a dozen. We finally took a trip to good ol' Wally World and found some "underwears" with Thomas, Elmo, and Cars on them.
I still drug my feet for another week, which brings us to a week ago. Last Sunday and Monday, we were home all day. He used the potty every time, except while sleeping....that is a whole 'nother story. Tuesday, I had to run to the store. I asked him if he wanted to wear a diaper or big boy pants, to which he replied "I wear underwears, Mommy!". So, underwears he wore. We were gone for two and a half hours and he didn't have a single accident!
Since then, he's had tow accidents and one Mommy-fail moment. The first accident was while he was playing in the yard. I had asked repeatedly if he needed to go and he kept saying he didn't, but I guess that just meant that he didn't want to go inside! Yesterday he had his second accident at home on the way to the bathroom...guess he waited just a little too long. Mommy-fail moment, I had him use the toilet while out and about yesterday. He sits, which apparently can be a problem. He finally started going and I noticed that I didn't hear anything in the toilet. That is when I realized that it was coming out between the seat and the toilet and all over the back of his pants...
So, I guess I'll say it. I think Miles might be potty trained!!! Yay! It wasn't nearly as scary as I thought.
As I said, night and nap time are another story....so is going #2...
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
3 days ago
We are in the midst of our stay-home-and-potty-train week. Hope it goes as quickly and easily as yours! :)