Holy cow! I cannot believe that my baby is two years old!
I was induced when I was 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant. My blood pressure was up a bit, and my doc thought it was time to get him out. I reluctantly agreed to an induction. Sunday September 16, 2007 at 2100, I arrived at the hospital for some cervidil (to help ripen my already very ripe cervix).
The next morning, my doc came in and broke my water at 0744. That immediately put me into a whirlwind labor. The contractions came on fast and strong. I didn't think I would last my entire labor without an epidural (though that was the plan), so after about an hour and a half, I asked my nurse for one. She told me that I was close to having my baby and I thought she was nutsola! I finally convinced her that I was no where near having my baby and needed the epidural. She went to get the anesthesiologist, but he was busy, so it was going to be about 20min. That was totally fine with me; there was an end in sight!
I got up (not sure how) and went to the bathroom, got back in bed and my nurse checked me. She told me I was 8-9cm and 100% effaced. She made sure I still wanted the epidural, to which I replied yes! I was still convinced I had hours and hours of labor left. No sooner did I get comfortable in bed again, and I had to push! My nurse checked me, and sure enough, I was ready. Twenty quick minutes later, my baby was born. All in all, it was 2 hours and 12 min of labor and 20 min of pushing. He was born at 1016 on Monday September 17, 2007, weighing 8# 6oz and 21.75 inches long. All day, I kept saying over and over "I can't believe he's here already, that was so fast. I can't believe he's here!"
When my doc placed him on my chest, my first thoughts were "Is he cute? He's too messy to be cute yet. He has a mullet. Oh, no! My baby has a mullet! It's ok, it'll go away. He's here! He's here! I cannot believe he's here! He's mine....he is sooo cute and he's mine! He's tiny. I cannot believe how tiny he is! He's cute, he's here, he's mine, he's tiny and he's perfect!" That was all probably in about 2 seconds! Oh, and I thought he would be closer to 9+ pounds, so he looked tiny to me.

This is my sweet boy on his very first birthday!
I was induced when I was 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant. My blood pressure was up a bit, and my doc thought it was time to get him out. I reluctantly agreed to an induction. Sunday September 16, 2007 at 2100, I arrived at the hospital for some cervidil (to help ripen my already very ripe cervix).
The next morning, my doc came in and broke my water at 0744. That immediately put me into a whirlwind labor. The contractions came on fast and strong. I didn't think I would last my entire labor without an epidural (though that was the plan), so after about an hour and a half, I asked my nurse for one. She told me that I was close to having my baby and I thought she was nutsola! I finally convinced her that I was no where near having my baby and needed the epidural. She went to get the anesthesiologist, but he was busy, so it was going to be about 20min. That was totally fine with me; there was an end in sight!
I got up (not sure how) and went to the bathroom, got back in bed and my nurse checked me. She told me I was 8-9cm and 100% effaced. She made sure I still wanted the epidural, to which I replied yes! I was still convinced I had hours and hours of labor left. No sooner did I get comfortable in bed again, and I had to push! My nurse checked me, and sure enough, I was ready. Twenty quick minutes later, my baby was born. All in all, it was 2 hours and 12 min of labor and 20 min of pushing. He was born at 1016 on Monday September 17, 2007, weighing 8# 6oz and 21.75 inches long. All day, I kept saying over and over "I can't believe he's here already, that was so fast. I can't believe he's here!"
When my doc placed him on my chest, my first thoughts were "Is he cute? He's too messy to be cute yet. He has a mullet. Oh, no! My baby has a mullet! It's ok, it'll go away. He's here! He's here! I cannot believe he's here! He's mine....he is sooo cute and he's mine! He's tiny. I cannot believe how tiny he is! He's cute, he's here, he's mine, he's tiny and he's perfect!" That was all probably in about 2 seconds! Oh, and I thought he would be closer to 9+ pounds, so he looked tiny to me.

This is my sweet boy on his very first birthday!
Funny thing is, he still looks exactly the same to me :)
He has my Dad's nose, which I noticed right away. Perfect in every way, minus a little subdural hematoma (bruise on his brain from coming out too fast!).
One year later, he was a babbling, crawling, almost walking, bordering on no longer being a baby.
He has my Dad's nose, which I noticed right away. Perfect in every way, minus a little subdural hematoma (bruise on his brain from coming out too fast!).
One year later, he was a babbling, crawling, almost walking, bordering on no longer being a baby.

This is him on his 1st birthday.
And at his first birthday party.
The caterpillar cake. I had a polka dot theme, with polka dot invites, and all the food was round.
Hi Carrie! I didn't know you had a blog until Kailub told me yesterday. You are so creative! It was fun to see pictures from the zoo. It looks like Miles had a great time! I was hoping to see some pictures from his birthday since I never got to hear what you guys ended up doing to celebrate. It was fun to read through your labor and delivery experience as you remember it now. I think it's funny that Logan almost had the same birthday. He was just a little stubborn and didn't want to be born just yet. Hope you are all doing well. Miss chatting with you at work about scrapbooking and our little boys! We should all get together again to see all the babies. I was bummed to miss Sarah's going away breakfast so many people were at. Take care!