This will be the first of a few posts that cover Miles' second birthday.
This post will cover the first event: The Fair.
Sunday, September 13, 2007, a mere four days before my baby's birthday, we met his Grandparents (Gupies, or Coppiis, or something that sounds like that!) at the county fair. I thought Miles would really enjoy seeing all the animals. The biggest surprise to me was that, though he did enjoy the animals, there was something that he enjoyed a great deal more.
We started out the fair over by the
Every time he saw a tractor, he pointed and exclaimed, "Gupie!!!" (or Coppii, or whatever it is that he says when referring to his grandparents!).
He enjoyed the tractors the most of all.
And then we moved on to the barns of animals
Where Miles saw...
Sheep. "Baaaaa!!!!!"

When we left, Miles said "Bye, bye bebe cow!" and waved :)
And cows
And pigs.
"Hop, Hop, Hop!"
"Gobble, Gobbles"
Miles had his first taste of an Elephant Ear (can't go to the fair without getting one of those!).
He wasn't quite sure what to think of it. (And I'm not quite sure what to think of the coloring in this photo...not sure what happened here)
Then we hung out on the lawn and ate our Elephant Ears, drank some water and soda, and tried to cool off. It was HOT (about 90 degrees!).
My parents were also there, though I apparently didn't get any full body shots of them. You can see their legs in some of the backgrounds if you look close.
And yes, Ben and Miles were wearing matching Seahawks jerseys (#51, Lofa Tatupu). They had a good game that day. Ben even thaught Miles to say "go, go hawks!"
Next up will be his party, featuring a lot of gift opening and a special cake!
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