Miles had quite the pile of gifts! And some repeat decorations from last year. I hadn't really planned to have a real "party". It kind of ended up being a little more than I had intended!

And Grandma and Grandpa O'Connor.
Miles enjoyed being tickled by Grandpa O and kept asking for more!
Last year I made him a special caterpillar cake. I'll show some pics in the next post. Well, turns out I set the bar high last year, so I had to do something that came close. My parents had purchased a train cake pan for me a month ago, so I used that for his cake this year.
Ben baked it the day before, and I decorated it that morning.
I wanted to make it bright and colorful.

After the cake, which Miles didn't really eat, just wanted to play with, we started opening gifts. Though he did keep saying "Choo-choo cake, nummy!".
He was a very tired boy (now long past nap time), we gave him a bottle so he wouldn't scream when we took the cake away.
He actually "got" opening them this year. He understood that there was something fun inside!
He got a lot of great gifts. This is a Velcro sandwich set. He made a very tasty looking sandwich!
Grandparents M gave him this truck that makes construction noises. Miles loves it!
He got a lot of new puzzles from Grandparents O and from Ben and myself.
He got a shape sorter, some books, a couple outfits, some DVDs (Thomas the Train, Chip and Dale in Technicolor, Bob the Builder, and some Veggie Tales). He had more gifts than I anticipated!
Sorry for the quality of some of the pics, Ben was the photographer and had his finger over the flash, or part of it, for a lot of the pics!
I think that sums up his birthday non-party this year!
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