Monday, October 3, 2011

11 Months

Aaaahhhh!!!!  I can't believe my baby girl is 11months old!  We're on the countdown to her birthday...18days!  Eeek!  (sorry for all the exclamation marks...)

We started off month 11 getting over her second (and third) ear infection.  Isla, Miles and I all got a cold at the beginning of September.  About 5ish days in for Isla, she got a fever ranging from 99-103.5.  It lasted for 5days (and through a weekend) which warranted a trip to the doctor.  She doesn't otherwise get horribly symptomatic, though she was sleeping horribly. By the 4th day, she wasn't drinking much milk and not peeing a lot...but it was a Sunday and she was headed to the doctor on Monday.  It turns out she had a raging "red angry" (according to her doc) infection in her right ear and a "less angry" looking infection in the left.  Oy.  She was put on a 10 day course of augmentin (which she HATED!!!).  The fever and lack of sleeping were gone in 24hrs.  By 7days out, the right was cleared up, but the left looked like  it still had fluid behind it.  Her pedi said it was a little "foreboding" that she's had 2+ REAL ear infections at under a year.  I hope we're not in for a  long haul this winter.  Her past two colds have led to ear infections...  She also had a nice bout with Roseola a couple weeks prior to the cold.

Because of her doctors visits, we got some updated weights on her.  For the Roseola visit, she was 18#6oz.  At the first ear infection visit, she was down to 18# 5oz.  I wasn't much surprised by this as she had not been eating/drinking much and was probably dehydrated.  One week later, she was  18# 12oz...much better!

As usual, she is  just a bundle of smiles and laughs who loves to eat.  We've started transitioning to cows milk, but in a bottle.  She does this funny little trick with the sippy cup now...she fills  her mouth up then lets the liquid come back out.  She didn't always do this.  I'm not sue why she does it, but it is messy and means we'll be sticking to water in the sippy cups!  She also learned to drink from a straw, which she'll do a similar trick, but will sometimes squirt it out the sides of her mouth, dousing the lucky individual sitting next to her :). 

She  has also learned to climb, namely stairs, but she'll also climb small chairs and stools.  She is so proud when she gets to the top of something!  It is adorable.  There is a video of her climbing a few stairs at the cabin in the post prior to this post.  She is also quite the hugger.  She likes to lay her head on your shoulder and pat your endearing!

Here are some pics from today for an 11month "shoot".  In this first pic, she has her 11month sticker on her shirt, though you can't see it.  The plain onsie underneath was wet from her drinking from a sippy, so I couldn't use it :).

She loved, obviously, sitting on the little chair.

And for fun, Miles at 11months:

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